why bed sheets turn yellow?

Some people believe that the key to maintaining a spotless set of sheets is to ensure that you only enter your bed after taking a thorough shower. They believe that bedsheets only lose their color when people lie on them before cleaning their bodies, exposing the fabric to all the dirt and grime they have accumulated during the day.

But that is not necessarily true. Most bedsheets eventually turn yellow. You cannot stop this process by simply keeping your body clean; neither should you believe people who argue that yellowing sheets are a sign of a dirty sleeper.

bed sheets

Top 3 reasons for which the bed Sheets can turn yellow:

bed sheets color

Bedsheets turn yellow because they have been stained. Several factors have been identified as potential causes for this staining, with the most prominent being:

1). Bodily Fluids

Everyone sweats at night. Some people sweat more than others. But even on a relatively cool day, it is fairly commonplace for the human body to produce some sweat, no matter how small.

Once you sweat, this moisture will stick to the sheets, staining them. They won’t turn yellow right away. You have to spend days, weeks, and even months sleeping and sweating on them to produce the yellow discoloration.

Bodily Fluids

Sweat is not the only bodily fluid you have to worry about. Saliva is another popular culprit. Many people sleep with their mouths open, and some of them have been known to drool. Like the sweat, the saliva will stick to the sheets, causing them to turn yellow.

If saliva isn’t to blame, you have to consider the dead skin cells and oils which every single sleeper leaves behind.

Sleeping with animals can also cause yellowing sheets. Animal fur, body oil can discolor the bed sheets. So, if you have pets, you can choose bed sheets for pets those are easily washable .

2). Lotions and Creams

Some people use creams and lotions before they enter their beds. They do this to either treat certain illnesses or to maintain the health of their skin. Regardless of the reason, most creams and lotions are going to bleed into the sheets, causing them to change color.

Some manufacturers will warn you that their products can yellow the sheets. Others are not so transparent. IN many cases, you are encouraged to avoid lotions and creams with benzoyl peroxide and alpha-hydroxy acids.

3). Washing

Poor washing habits can cause the color of your sheets to change. Some people wait too long before washing their sheets. This allows the stains to secure their hold on the material, making them more difficult to remove. Other people overload their washing machines, preventing the detergent from cleaning the fabric satisfactorily.

It is worth noting that the yellow stain that appears in sheets is rarely permanent. If you are determined, you can simply wash it out. Some people are quick to invest in powerful chemical detergents but you can achieve positive results with cheaper natural cleaners.

This includes lemons. Bleach doesn’t always work. In fact, in some scenarios, it will intensify the yellow discoloration by reacting to the body’s fluids. Lemon juice is a cheaper and safer bleaching agent.

If it isn’t working, try white vinegar. Even though chemical solutions are supposed to deliver faster results, natural cleaners are less likely to ruin the fabric of your sheets.

There are some special types of sheets that are infused with silver or copper, are less likely seen discolored than the normal bed sheets. If you ever buy cotton bed sheets infused with copper fabric, you will find that the copper fabric infused bed sheets are attracting dust, body oil, and other fluids less than organic cotton bed sheets.

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