How Do I Know if My Hip Pain is Serious

Most people struggle with pain in their hips from time to time. And in most cases, it is never that serious. But sometimes the hip pain will not remain normal, it will become worser. So, how do you know if your hip pain is serious and you need to go to the expert physician to take a consultancy on that. However, if you observe any of the following, you are encouraged to see a doctor:

1). Sleeping become difficult

If the pain in your hip is so bad that it prevents you from sleeping or it keeps waking you up in the middle of the night, you should see a doctor. Most people are used to sleep on their side at night. If a side sleeper encounters with hip pain during the night and fails to sleep comfortably on his side due to hip pain, then the condition of his hip pain is serious.

Sleeping posture also changes while sleeping on the bed during the night. when you have severe hip pain, changing sleeping posture become difficult and you might feel severe pain on your hip during changing your sleeping posture into the bed.

2). Sitting become difficult

When you have serious hip pain, sitting becomes difficult for you. You can not sit anywhere you want. You need to use an extra cushion for sitting because your hip at that time fail to take the pressure of your body.

3) Remedy

If you have tried all the common remedies to alleviate the pain, including exercises, painkillers, and cold/warm packs, and none of them are working, you should seek professional help. For most of the normal scenarios of hip pain, you can alleviate hip pain by doing right exercise, taking proper rest, using knee cushion, correcting your sleeping posture, using cold packs. If these are not working as expected, you should go for the physician to seek consultancy. Home remedy also 

4) When knee cushion can not alleviate hip pain

Normally, hip pain can alleviate by sleeping with a cushion that can be used between the two knees. Most of the normal hip pain will be alleviated by using knee cushion. However, A knee cushion can not alleviate your hip pain totally within a few days. It will take many days to work properly. But in the case that your hip you will not alleviate after using knee cushion, you may think that is the right time to take extra care for your hip and take a consultancy from your physician. 

5). Walking and standing become also difficult

If the pain is so bad that you can neither walk nor stand straight, your situation might be more serious than you realized. It is the worst condition of hip pain. You should not delay meeting a doctor.

6). Movement

If you can’t even move the leg or hip, your situation has worsened and you need to consult a doctor.

7). Swelling

If you notice swelling anywhere near the hip, this is a sign that a serious condition might have developed. Swellings are particularly problematic if they are accompanied by fever, chills, redness, and any other signs of infection.

You can combat hip pain naturally by:

a). Resting and keeping your weight off the hip for as many hours as you need to alleviate the pain.

b). Applying a pack to the area four or five times a day to reduce the inflammation

c). Keeping the painful joint elevated to reduce the swelling that might be causing the pain.

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