6 Best Earthing Mats of 2023

The human body has a slight positive charge that keeps building throughout the day. This can harm your health, not only ruining your sleep but assaulting you with all manner of physical and mental problems.

By coming into contact with the ground, you permit the earth’s negative charge to flow into your body, balancing out the positive charge. The earth’s electrons will also neutralize the free radicals in your body.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the time to ground their bodies the old fashion way. This is why they are encouraged to use earthing mats.

Earthing mats are a grounding shortcut that brings the earth’s electrons to the user even though he or she does not have the time to go walking through nature. While the scientific evidence backing the effectiveness of earthing mats is scarce, they are still quite popular because a significant portion of the people that have used them have experienced a reduction in chronic pain, increases in energy levels, reduced inflammation, an improvement in their immune response, and so much more.

These positive testimonials from some customers have convinced others to experiment with earthing mats if only to determine once and for all whether or not they work.

Why You Need Earthing Mats?

There are two primary reasons why people need earthing mats today:

1). Grounding

People are insulated from the earth. Because they sleep in concrete rooms on beds that elevate them from the ground and because they walk in shoes with rubber soles, they do not have any contact with the earth.

This prevents them from enjoying the healing properties of the earth’s electrical current. A mat brings this electrical current to customers without forcing them to walk barefoot outside.

2). Electromagnetic Waves

Most people spend most of their lives surrounded by electronic devices which generate what some people call dirty electricity. This electromagnetic pollution is bad for your health because it causes positive electrons to accumulate in the cells.

Grounding mats provide a defense against this dirty electricity whilst also purging the excess positive electrons from the body.

If you still have questions about earthing but you are willing to experiment with the field to see if earthing mats deserve the hype they get, take a look at the products we have listed below.

These are the best earthing mats around. If you don’t know where to start looking for a decent earthing mat, select one of the items below. You are encouraged to read the individual reviews to gain a clear understanding of each item before you make any decisions. But you can save some time by just using the comparison table.

Top 6 Best Earthing Mats Reviews

1. Large Earthing Sleep Mat

Our ancestors were always connected to the earth because they walked barefoot. They benefited greatly from touching the earth with their bare skin. But modern man is not quite as fortunate. Most people wear rubber-soled shoes all day long.

They are always insulated from the earth. This is why mats like this one have gained traction. They connect people to the earth’s energy even when they are inside their houses.

A person that lies on this mat will benefit from having the energy of the earth surge through them all night long. This will bring pain relief, restful sleep, reduced soreness and inflammation, accelerated healing, etc.

This grounding mat consists of a thin perforated leatherette. As we know thin perforated leatherette is hundred percent conductive carbon. It has straps that keep it secured to the mattress.

To enjoy the benefits of this mat, you must lie directly against it. It is supposed to improve your overall well being by funneling the earth’s energy into your body. It will appeal to both sick and healthy users.

Those with ill health can use the mat to combat the ailments that plague them. They should expect to feel a tingling and some warmth when they use the mat. Over time, they will experience an improvement in their sleep, mood, health, and energy.

Healthy people are unlikely to feel anything. However, that doesn’t mean that the mat isn’t working. It will help them maintain their exceptional health. The mat only comes in one size which might not be adequate for some people.


1). Straps secure the mat to the mattress

2). 100 percent conductive carbon leatherette

3). Improves health.


1). Might not be large enough for some people

2. The Original Universal Grounding Mat Kit

To ground yourself naturally, you just have to walk barefoot for half an hour every day, with your skin directly touching the earth. This will allow the earth’s energy to flow into your body, a phenomenon that is believed to enhance human health.

But if you don’t have the time to walk barefoot, which is the case for most people, you can just use this earthing kit. It has a mat upon which you can lie to keep yourself grounded.

It also has a book and a movie about earthing. They will tell you everything you need to know about the subject so that you can better appreciate everything the mat does.

What you will feel when you use the mat will depend on your physical condition. For instance, if you don’t sleep well, using this mat will allow you to sleep better. If you have aches and pains that will not go away, the mat will provide some relief.

People that are recovering from surgery have been known to use mats of this kind to enhance the healing process. It can also give you peace of mind, regulating your mood and allowing you to remain calm.

Do not expect to feel the effects of the mat right away. It is also unlikely to produce the same results in every situation. In fact, there are some people for whom it simply won’t work. You have to experiment.

This kit comes with a book, movie, grounding mat, cord, tester, and an adapter. The mat is made from Vinyl-free PU resin infused with a carbon pigment and TPE closed-cell foam.

You should test the wall outlet in your room to ensure that it is properly grounded before using the cord to plug the mat into it. Once the mat is connected, place your bare feet on it.

The product is made from safe, non-toxic materials.


1). Easy to use

2). Safe and non-toxic

3). Includes a book and movie


1). Won’t work for everyone

2). Takes a while to deliver results

3. Grounding Mats Kit for Healthy Earth Energy by LandKissing 

This grounding mat is designed to connect you to the earth, allowing its free electrons to flow into your body. If you don’t have the time to walk barefoot outside, the mat will ground you from where you are.

You can use it in the office while you work. If you can find an electrical system to connect it to, you can also use it outside.

 The mat is easy to use. Once you deploy it, the product will enhance your immune response, reduce inflammation, and expedite the recovery process.

It takes a while to deliver significant results in most people. As such, some patience is required. Some customers have also complained about wrinkling.

This earthing kit includes 2 conducting mats, 2 16-foot grounding cords, an integrated 50 thousands OHMS resistor, and 2 portable blue earthing bracelets. The mat has Ten percent conductive silver fiber.

The mat is convenient. You can use it both indoors and outdoors. Some people do not mind being outside but they are not willing to walk barefoot. This mat solves that problem. It will accelerate the healing of wounds, enhance sleep, alleviate stress and so much more.

All the materials it uses meet ASTM standards for excellence in conductivity. If you know nothing about grounding mats, the kit comes with a user guide, not to mention a Thirty-day money-back guarantee.


1). User guide

2). Thirty-day-money-back guarantee

3). Easy to use


1). It takes a while to deliver results.

4. Newbeau Therapy Grounding Mat

When you buy this grounding kit, you also get instructions on grounding. As such, if you are new to this field, you can still use the mat. The colored box provided is a bonus that allows you to send this kit to other people as a gift.

Earthing matters because it can reduce inflammation and chronic pain, shorten recovery time and relieve muscle tension along with various other health benefits.

It will also protect you from the effects of EMFs but only if you take the time to touch the earth with your bare skin.

Most people do not have the time to do this which is why this pad was created. It uses the moisture on your skin to conduct the earth’s energy into your body while you sleep.

This mat is a highly conductive PU carbon leatherette with breathable holes and elastic straps to keep it fixed to the mattress. It has a non-skid side that will prevent it from shifting.

There is nothing complex about this mat. When you lay it down, the leather-like side should be up. To ground yourself, you just have to lie directly on the mat.

The manufacturer provides a cable that connects the mat to an outlet.


1). Easy to use

2). Elastic straps will secure the mat to the mattress

3). You get a colored box and grounding instructions


1). Takes a while to produce results

5. Earth and Moon Grounding Mat

Earthing mats are only as effective as the quality of their components. Some people will complain that earthing mats are ineffective without realizing that they are using a poorly made product.

To enjoy the benefits of earthing without ever leaving your home, you need a competently made mat that consists of high-quality conductive materials. That is what you will get from this product.

You are supposed to lie on it to enjoy the grounding effect it delivers. However, you can use the mat in any manner that suits you. That includes wrapping it around your body.

All the mat requires to do its work is for your skin to touch it directly. Some customers hate the fact that the mat doesn’t have any sort of indicator light to show you that it is working.

The mat is polyurethane leather. It is not only conductive but soft. As such, it won’t be uncomfortable to lie against. The mat is large enough to accommodate people of various sizes. It is also easy to store.

The mat comes with an earthing cord that has been tested and guaranteed by the manufacturer. The materials used are durable. You get a 30-day money-back guarantee.


1). Soft and conductive material

2). 30-day money-back guarantee

3). Easy to use and store


1). No way to tell that it’s working

6. Grounding and Earthing Mat – Grounding Starter Kit

This mat will enable you to enjoy the benefits of grounding without stepping away from your TV or computer. You are supposed to step on the mat rather than sleeping on it.

This makes it more convenient because it allows you to do your work as you ground your body. The mat is easy to set up. It comes with clear instructions that will provide the guidance you need.

As with most grounding mats, don’t expect this one to deliver results overnight

These highly conductive BEP mats use premium carbon-infused rubber that provides increased active grounding contact. They come with a safety-group cord for quick and safe setups.

The mat is versatile. You can place it on the ground to step on with your feet or on your workstation so that your wrists can rest against it while you work. This will keep your body grounded all day regardless of how busy you might be. You will find that it is easier to focus. The mat has been known to alleviate pain, decrease inflammation, and increase energy.

The safety-ground cord allows you to connect the mat to an outlet without fear of shock.


1). You can use the mat at your workstation

2). It is easy to set up

3). The safety-ground cord prevents accidental connection to electrical currents

What is Earthing and Grounding?


Grounding refers to the practice of connecting your body to the earth. The earth has an electrical current that can have a positive effect on the human body. You can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of this current by walking barefoot through nature.

If you don’t have the opportunity to interact directly with the planet, some manufacturers have created tools that can bring the current directly to your body while you sleep or work. The terms ‘earthing’ and ‘grounding’ can be used interchangeably. They mean the same thing.

Is There Any Science Behind Earthing?

Is There Any Science Behind Earthing

There is no solid scientific evidence definitely proving the efficacy of earthing. That being said, the field has received very little attention over the years. And earthing enthusiasts believe that once more scientific studies regarding the benefits of grounding are done, they will validate the field.

The few studies that have been performed have shown that earthing has some general benefits, offering better sleep, alleviating pain, reducing stress, etc. Scientists only clash with grounding experts whenever they claim that earthing can cure more serious illnesses such as arthritis.

How Do You Know if Earthing is Working?

When you first start earthing, you are encouraged to keep a journal. Take note of any aches, pains, and illnesses you have. Once you start using your earthing products, record any changes you observe. For instance, if you suffer from migraines, award the pain you feel each day a score depending on its intensity. Do this for several weeks and months.

By documenting your experience, you can determine whether or not earthing is working for you. Once you look through your records, you will determine whether your discomfort has remained the same or it has reduced.

Some people have a physical reaction when they use earthing products. They feel a tangible sensation. But others feel nothing which is why they start questioning whether or not their earthing products are working.

But earthing products can deliver results even when you don’t feel anything. The key is to document your daily experiences. Only then can you observe the invisible changes that might be happening behind the scenes.

What is the Best Earthing Product?

When it comes to buying earthing products, you have a lot of options to consider:

1). Sheets

These are exactly what they sound like. They are bedsheets that are meant to replace your regular sheets. Typically made from a soft fabric, they are interwoven with conductive fibers that will connect you to the earth once you plug their cord into an outlet. You can either buy full sheets or half sheets.

2). Pillowcase

Just like the sheets, earthing pillowcases are just like ordinary pillowcases. They are made from a soft fabric that is supposed to feel soothing against the skin. But they also feature a conductive material that will allow the earth’s current to flow through your body once you plug their cord into an outlet.

3). Throw/blanket

An earthing blanket is not necessarily similar to a normal blanket. It plays the same role but it is typically thinner. You can still sleep under it, though you also have the option of lying on top of it. It is interwoven with conductive fibers that will funnel the earth’s current into your body.

4). Quilted Pad

Quilted pads are interesting because you can use them anywhere, not just on your chair or sofa but on the floor to step on and in your bed to lie against. You can even assign them to your pets.

5). Mats

You can use grounding mats while sitting, standing, watching TV, working, etc. You can step on them, place your keyboard on them, use them to support your mouse and wrists, etc. They are soft and flexible. They are similar to earthing sheets but they are cheaper in most cases.

You can get them in various sizes. You can even get earthing yoga mats. Some people use them in bed in place of earthing sheets.

Of all these products, the most attractive is probably the earthing sheet. This is because they are more comfortable. They are made from materials like cotton that have a reputation for being soft. Additionally, they cover the entire body.

Earthing mats can also cover the entire body but, like most types of earthing products, they are made from a rubbery/leathery material that is uncomfortable. Not only does it get hot but your skin can stick to it.

There are also grounding socks, bands, and patches but people have raised questions about their effectiveness.

Earthing Mats Buying Guide

If you want to enjoy the benefits of earthing, you need to ensure that you only purchase the best earthing mats available. That requires you to keep these factors in mind:

1). Size

The grounding mat should be large enough or small enough to fit your purposes. If you want to lie on the mat in bed, for instance, it should be wide enough to encompass your body so that you can’t simply roll off it.

On the other hand, if you want a mat to keep under your office desk, allowing you to step on it while you work, the mat can’t be too large. Otherwise, it will become a pain to use.

Let the purpose determine the size of the mat.

2). Cord

It isn’t enough for a manufacturer to give you a cord for their mat. The cord should be long enough to reach the outlet. If it is too short, it is going to become an inconvenience.

3). Design

Some people don’t care about the appearance of their mats. They just want them for the function they perform. But others want mats whose color and appearance fit their style. Regardless of where you fall, you can find grounding mats that suit your preferences.

4). Maintenance

The best earthing mats are easy to clean. Because you have to lie or step on them, grounding mats are going to collect dirt and grime. This might happen immediately or overtime. Either way, you will have no choice but to clean your mat.

And once this time comes, you need to ensure that your mat can be cleaned with ease. Otherwise, you will stop using it altogether because it is too much trouble.

Earthing Sheets and Mats: Which one Should You use?

They are both equally efficient. It is a question of the purpose and your preference. Earthing mats are more versatile. You can use them in any way you want. You can sit on them, sleep on them, stand on them, and rest your hands and wrists against them as you type on your computer, especially if you get the mats in a smaller size.

You can only use earthing sheets in bed when you sleep. In that regard, they are restrictive. However, earthing sheets are more comfortable because they do not feature the leather and rubber you find in mats.

It is a question of your tastes and preferences.

Types of Fabric Used in Earthing Sheets?

For earthing sheets to perform their duty, they require conductive fibers. But the fabrics from which they are made are just as important. Earthing sheets need natural fibers like cotton, bamboo, and Tencel. Most natural fabrics will do.

Whatever you choose doesn’t really matter so long as you avoid synthetic fibers like polyester. Admittedly, the type of fabric you choose might affect your comfort levels.

But it won’t impact the effectiveness of the earthing sheet, at least as far as its grounding properties are concerned. Natural fibers absorb moisture more easily. They are superior conductors.

What you Need to know before buying a earthing Mats

Are Earthing Mats Dangerous

For the most part, earthing mats are not dangerous. But if you have unshielded and ungrounded electricity around you, an earthing mat could make you vulnerable to electrocution. It might also expose you to voltages and intermediate frequencies.

This is why you need a body voltage meter and an AM Radio on hand.

How Do You Use an Earthing Mat?

You use an earthing mat by connecting it to an outlet via a cord and lying on it with your bare skin. The average home has a wire that connects the electricity in the house to the ground.

This ensures that, in the event of a short circuit, the ground outside absorbs the electrical current. A grounding cord connects the grounding mat to your home’s grounding wire. This allows the earth’s electrons to flow into your body to fight the free radicals.

Can You Ground with Socks on?

Because your feet naturally sweat, even if you have socks on, the mat will conduct the earth’s current into your body through the sweat. However, for the best results, you need to touch the mat with your bare skin.

How Long Should You Ground Each Day?

You only need to ground yourself for half an hour each day to enjoy the benefits of the process. But people ground themselves for hours at a time when they sleep on earthing sheets. So, there is no definitive limit. Though, a minimum of 30 minutes is encouraged.

How Long Do Earthing Sheets and Mats Last?

If you give your sheets and mats the care they deserve, they should survive for about three years.

Does Grounding Make You Tired?

Some people feel unusual when they first start grounding. They feel an odd tingling sensation. In some cases, they experience headaches, a lack of focus, disturbed sleep, muscle cramps, and even tiredness.

But it has been argued that these symptoms are the result of the earthing process restoring the body’s natural electrical state, not to mention any detoxification and cell repair that might be occurring at this stage. They are supposed to dissipate over time.

How to Care for Earthing and Grounding Mats?

The approach you take to washing a grounding mat will depend on the product. You have to wipe some mats with mild soap and a damp cloth. They have to be air-dried. But others are machine washable.

However, in most cases, you are discouraged from using bleach and any other oxidizing agents. They will destroy the conductive material.


Earthing is a tricky topic because there are so many questions surrounding the efficacy of the technique, especially with regards to its impact on human health. That being said, if you want to try earthing for yourself, if only to find out whether or not it works, you cannot do any better than the sheets above.

Not only are they made from highly conductive materials but they are affordable. This makes them a much safer investment than their more expensive counterparts.

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